This has been such a busy summer so far! In fact, Teddy has asked Squish and I to quit skipping town and stay put for awhile and I'm secretly grateful because let's face it, traveling around with a 4 month old is TIRING!!!!
Our latest adventures include a trip to Courtenay to visit my pals Shahn and Minnie at their beautiful cabin on the ocean, visits to Denman and Hornby Islands, a stop in to Grandma Kellogg's friend Barb's house in Nanaimo and three lovely and restful days at casa Kellogg in Victoria for a gals' weekend as Grandpa was off in Michigan visiting Auntie Bec and Uncle Brian. (run-on sentence much?!) This past weekend, Squirrel and I hit up Cowtown for a cuddle with Auntie Sarah and Uncle D and Autumn had some fun with Great-Auntie Darlene while Sarah and I gawked at the Royal Couple as they made their way through Calgary on their tour. We are cool. Autumn did great with her very first baby-sitter. I am ever grateful to Darlene for watching the babe for me so that I could drool over Prince William. Priorities, right?
Good times!
So I watched "Food Inc." Have you heard of it? This documentary has nearly ruined food for me. I guess it's a good thing to know where the stuff on your plate comes from...But I was happy in blissfully ignorant land with my corn and president's choice chicken breasts. NOT ANYMORE!
So I've been thinking a lot about food for my little Squirrel and being a conscious consumer and blahdi blah blah...Since Autumn is going to start eating big girl food in two short months, I thought I should do some research...As it turns out, organic doesn't necessarily mean what it implies...We aren't getting away from inhumane slaughtering practices and even from hormones and antibiotics simply by purchasing groceries and meat with labels advertising products as "ORGANIC". A lot of that "organic" and "free-range" meat is killed in the same slaughterhouses as the other stuff and is exposed to all of the same scary practices and bacteria and whatnot. Ugly reality. I don't want my wee bub eating this stuff! And since Teddy isn't ready to fullfill my dream of living in the country with our own garden and chickens and a mini pony, I will have to suck it up and spend $13 on a chicken breast from the happy chicken man on the drive. He will show you pictures of the chickens that he sells meat from. They look happy. Spend the extra dough, friends. It is worth it. Even if you don't sympathize with the plight of a poor chicken factory bird, do you really want to eat something that spent its entire life knee dip in poo? Me thinks no.
Rant over. Check out my cute squishy woman. SHE JUST FOUND HER HANDS!!! Gosh, it's awesome to watch her learn stuff. So so so so cool. These are all in scrambled order. My apologies :)
Mama & Squirrel in Cowtown |
chubkins |
Uncle D |
Cheeky cheeks |
Auntie Sarah shows Autumn her lovely garden |
AGH!!!!! |
Family outing to Stanley Park |
Autumn's first concert :) |
Lovely Courtenay |
pie face |
Beautiful Denman Island bull in all his happy grazing glory |
<3 |
Denman Island |
Hornby Island Co-op |
I live in a super ugly province. This was taken on the side of the road on Hornby. |
Hornby Island. |
Obviously. You know I love Caesars. |
Autumn's first Canada Day with Grandma |
WHADDUP!? Let's bounce! |
Happy in the sunshine |
Telling an epic tale of poop and boobs. |
Auntie Kristi |
Sink Bath in Grandma's kitchen |
Family fun at the park |
What are these things attached to my arms. I FOUND MY HANDS! |
Watch me grab stuff! |
This baby has seriously awesome aunties. |
Sea wall. Gooooood times ! |