Adventures of a tiny Squirrel and her friends...

This is our life.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Christmas 2012

 Happy Holidays, friends and family!

Autumn's second Christmas was awesome. She got royally spoiled and was the centre of attention all day long. Teddy and I woke up at 5:30am super excited and not able to sleep so we got up, brewed some coffee and spent two and a half hours waiting for Squish to wake up so that we could watch her open her gifts. When she finally woke up, we had a delicious pancake brekkie and snapped a million pictures of her ripping off wrapping paper and playing with her new toys. She seemed a bit frustrated as we kept handing her new parcels and she hadn't had much of a chance to play with the items that she had already opened. Thankfully, she has had most of today to play at her leisure in her jammies. Lucky little bug.
Christmas was great. My parents hosted a wonderful dinner with tons of family and a few friends. The food was amazing and the company was lovely. We left stuffed and happy and feeling spoiled. The only things missing were our far away family members in BC, California, Alberta and Michigan. Thank goodness for Skype!! 

A few little photo highlights:

Squish opening her final advent treat on Christmas Eve

Getting bundled up to head out for Christmas Eve dinner with Nana and Papa

Scoobins opening her stocking at 5:45am on Christmas morning


Daddy helping Autumn with her stocking 

Opening her gift from Santa Claus

A tiny doll house!

...More presents 

Reading her new book from Auntie Melissa

Checking out her new blocks from Auntie Rebecca

Jamming with Daddy

We got matching jammies!


Happy little family

Playing with her stacking rings from Auntie Kristi

Opening gifts at Nana's



And more gifts...


kisses for papa

<3 Nana

Autumn is the best gift of all


Auntie Esme

Auntie Marnie and the beautiful little dress she made for Squish

...and matching apron for mama


Great-Nana Mary

Christmas hosts

Nana's own trifle

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Happy Holidays

 I'm pleased to say that I'm entirely prepared for Christmas and we still have 10 days to go! We are hosting a little holiday shindig next weekend so we have made a few little homemade gifts and prepared some takeaway treats for our guests. Homemade gifts are the way to go...They're generally cheaper and I feel like they're a little more special than store-bought items. We have baked, stitched, sewn, canned and more and I'm very happy with how things have turned out. Autumn has been particularly "helpful" this Christmas with the gift-prep. She has even "helped" with some of the wrapping...mostly by un-wrapping things. Hehehe. It's amazing how much more meaningful this time of year is now that we have a little person around to be excited for...I may have said this last year as well, but it's true! I don't think I've loved Christmas time this much since I was a little Santa-believer. Every day, Autumn asks for her little Advent treat and gets excited when we plug in the tree..."WOWEEE!" she says. Children truly give meaning to this time of year.

Yesterday, we checked out the Toronto Christmas Market at the Distillery District with my girlfriend, Minnie and her little girl, Lara...Or Yaya as Autumn calls her. It was great. For those of you in Toronto who have some spare time this weekend, it ends tomorrow and it's super kid-friendly and very fun...Amazing food vendors (think artisan grilled cheese, fresh fritters and a kiosk devoted entirely to bacon...if you're into that sort of thing;-)), pony rides, a little choo choo train, carousel, Christmas carolers and a ferris wheel. I took Squish on the carousel and she was a little skeptical but humoured me with the odd "WEE!!!"despite looking slightly terrified. Honestly, I was too...haha! I remember those things moving way slower! I've turned into a huge chicken in my old age! The ponies were great, super cute and very friendly. Charlie the pony gave Autumn's fingers a big lick and let her pat his nose. She was very upset to leave the ponies and gave a teary-eyed wave and a "BYE BYE NEIGH". Maybe next year she'll be ready for a pony-ride. Anyway, the market closes for good tomorrow at 9pm so your time is running out to check it out!

Anyway, here are a few little photos from last weekend of a visit that Autumn and I paid to my Nana and Papa in Burlington. We had a nice lunch and a good visit. They are such an amazing and inspirational couple. If you ever need a little reminder of what love is all about, you should pay them a visit. <3 <3 <3

Much holiday love to you all!

Sunday, 2 December 2012


We have officially entered toddlerdom, where mealtime is a battle, independence is constantly being exerted and authority is challenged. FUN! Really, though, it is. Newborn babies and infants are cool and all, but toddlers are where it's at, I'm convinced. Obviously, I wish squish would stay small and YES, I love breastfeeding and I miss the days of wrapping her up in a blankie and letting her sleep in my arms. Those days are over. hah! We recently made the trek out to Vancouver and Victoria to visit family and friends and in the absence of Autumn's crib,  I was reminded of our entry into toddlerdom. Going to bed with mom is fun and a luxury for the squish (who got the boot out of our room around 6 months) so obviously, going to sleep is not an option when we can play peek-a-boo, jump on the mattress, whisper in mommy's ear, sing songs, etc. She makes it difficult to be firm, but I feel like this is the toddler m.o...They're so darn cute, they can get away with it. But it's important to be firm, reel them in when you can and do your best to not let them walk all over you. To be fair though, bed time has its own set of challenges in our own house. I've really cut down on nursing and Autumn is not impressed. Our new bedtime routine doesn't have a nursing session at all and she can get a bit moany when she notices. Last night, she called my name for 30 minutes after I put her to bed. It's heartbreaking but this is where I have to remind myself of the toddler m.o. and stay strong...AGH!

Mealtime is where I really have to exercise self control. Thanks yoga, for teaching me how to breathe. Food gets thrown, food is refused. I have to remind myself that she won't let herself starve and she'll eat when she's hungry. Both Teddy and my mom have said that she's displaying very typical toddler behaviour and will start to eat like herself again the next time she has a little growth spurt. I was relieved to hear from my pal Cait that she struggles with the same stuff at meal time and was happy to hear that I'm not the only mom out there who wants to shriek when my child refuses to eat. Normal, normal, normal. It's funny how we strive to be different and yet normalcy/uniformity in our babies is what really makes us happy and feel confident. haha ;)

The highlights of having a toddler are these:
1. Squish is putting together sentences: "more raisins please, mommy" came to me from the living room the other day while I was tidying up the kitchen. I didn't even know she could say "raisins". WHO KNEW?!

2. She wants to help with EVERYTHING. "HAUTUMN HOLP!" I've been giving her little tasks like: wipe the table for as long as you can or stir this little bowl of puffed millet until mommy is done the dishes or I think your bath toys need to be washed, let's pop those guys in the sink...She loves to think she's helping. Little doll.

3. She's super into crafting like her mama. She wants to colour, paint, mould and put stickers on everything. I love seeing her creative little self come out. So cool.

4. She knows everything. I'm sure this will be really irritating when she becomes a teenager but right now it's awesome. She's constantly identifying everything she knows. She's got shapes down, pretty much...She even knows "star" and "moon" but we're working on colours. Currently, everything is blue. Oh, and there are two of everything. 

5. She is starting to express love. She wants to hug, and snuggle and she signs "I love you". She gets sad when her daddy goes to work and insists on standing at the window yelling "BYYYYYYEEEEEEE" until the car is out of her sight. <3

There are a million more reasons, but I can hear her awake in her room so I should post some pictures and sign off.

Love, mama squirrel xo

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Hey Everybody!

It's nearly Halloween and I'm already thinking about Christmas...Being a toddler's mama really gives new meaning to the words 'organization' and 'planning'. Autumn gets busier by the day and is rapidly expanding her vocabulary. I keep saying that I need to make a list of all the words that she can say so here's a shot...
nana (banana and her name for my mom, my grandmother and teddy's grandmother)
damma (grandma)
dampa (grandpa)
meemee (mermaid--this is what she calls her auntie rebecca)
aminy (emily)
dep (yep)
tat (cat)
gock (duck)
cuck (clock)
hawhee (donkey)
bibbit (frog)
dabbit (rabbit)
waisin (raisin)
apple (the fruit and what she calls her uncle brian)
hoo (shoe)
durka (uncle derek)
fiss (fish)
edit (elephant)
buddy (birdie and buddy--my parents' dog)
waddy (water)
mupp (milk)
manny (morning)
...there is more, including a plethora of animal sounds including: meow, *snort*, woof, tweet, moo, etc.

She's a genius, right? mmhmmmmm!

Anyhoo, we had a little shindig over the weekend to ring in the spooky season and Autumn was the cutest little penguin that ever there was...Along with her cute little skunk and strawberry sidekicks. There is something about babies in costumes...It's so hilarious that it verges on cruelty. haha! There was lots of delicious food, lovely friends and family members and some pumpkin carving goodness.
Like I said earlier, however...It's already feeling like crunch time for Christmas gift-making despite the fact that actual Halloween hasn't even come yet. Ay Ay Ay!

I have lots of plans for good, homemade Christmas gifts and I'll share some recipes and ideas in my upcoming posts. For now, I'll leave you with a few pictures...

Flash Gordon and Autumn the penguin <3

Little cuddle bug.

Helping with the pumpkin guts!

Uncle Apple is extremely enthusiastic about this exercise ;)

Great job!

Babies are ready for bed.

Are we done yet????
