It's been nearly a month since my last blog post. Lots has been going on. We've been mourning the loss of our dearly loved Tampa and plugging along in our busy lives trying to find quality time to spend together as a family. This huge loss has really put a lot of things into perspective for me. My little family is so important to me and that was never in question, but it seems like more of a priority now to make our moments together count for more than just part of a routine. That said, Teddy and I have been trying to make a little vacation happen. With all that he has been dealing with in grieving the death of his father, a little getaway seems extra appealing. We are hoping for an early spring holiday somewhere nice and are pretty excited to get planning. In the meantime, we took off to the cottage for a couple of days of rest and relaxation since we each had a few consecutive days off together and let's face it--spring just seems so far away still! It was a very wintery little holiday but it was so nice to cozy up in the cabin with a toasty fire and a cuddly little squish. We had fun. Here are a few pictures of our very Canadian winter cottage getaway: