Adventures of a tiny Squirrel and her friends...

This is our life.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Everything is going great. Autumn has been home now for over a week and it's difficult to remember what life was like around these parts before she came along. Little squirrel had her second appointment with Dr. Hadad today and she now weighs in at a whopping 6lbs...Still smaller than most full term babes, but she was down to 4 and change for a little while there so 6lbs is a good weight for our tiny squirrel. We are proud.
Autumn had a lovely visit with Auntie Sass this weekend. I swear, my sister is amazing. She bussed in from Calgary--a 14 hour trip--and spent the weekend cooking a baking for Teddy and I. She's awesome. Squirrel's aunties really go the distance for her. We're lucky <3 Next up is Auntie Em next week and then Auntie Becca at the end of May.
Speaking of Aunties...We missed Great-Auntie Marn's birthday a couple of days ago, so we wanted to wish her a happy birth week! (Sorry we are a coupla days behind schedule!!)
Anyhew, here is what the last week or so has looked like:
Baby Squirrel in her favourite seat.

Mama made Squirrel a cute little headband <3

...And a blankie :)

YAY! Auntie Sarah <3

Her favourite part of bathtime is having her hair washed. 

This is where she starts to get angry...I have to work fast.

Happy Squirrel is dry and warm again.

Nurse Elliott is always watching.

Auntie Emily bought these sweet kicks for the Squirrel.

Beautiful baby Emery <3

New pals!

Autumn had her first baby date with little miss Emery who was 34 weeks preemie as well and is now 9 months old. It was great to talk to Em's mama Shannon about the nicu and her experiences and to see beautiful, healthy, happy baby Emery giggling and squealing away. Early babies can thrive too! It was a feel-good visit. AND Autumn got a tutu! Thanks, Shan!! xxoo

Autumn is about to go back down for a nap and Elliott needs some QT and a cuddle. Til next time! Ta-ta!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Baby Sign

So I am really interested in learning baby sign language. Today, Autumn and I hit the library to pick up a few books so we can get our learn on...and eventually, our sign on. We used her caddy of a stroller for the first time and it made grabbing a few little groceries and a pit stop at Shopper's super easy. Really, I just needed any excuse to get out in the sunshine today. It was a completely perfect spring day.

Tomorrow, Autumn and I are attending a mom & baby group at the midwifery clinic. It should be fun.
Nite Nite for now. xo

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

19 Days Old.

It's been a very exciting three days...Autumn has been home with us since Sunday afternoon and so far, she is a super easy, predictable baby. I guess the one good thing about having a baby who lives her first couple of weeks in a nursery at the hospital, is that she is pretty much set in a schedule...Eat, sleep for four hours, eat, sleep for four hours...etc.
My mom had to leave on Sunday which was super sad, but it gave Autumn, Teddy, Elliott and I a chance to get to know eachother in our home. Elliott has been AWESOME with the baby...She's Autumn's furry nurse...Always checking on her and licking the back of her head. Super cute. She gets pretty stressed when Autumn fusses and needs to check on her at every opportunity, especially if she's making noise. I like.

Gramma Kellogg came for a snuggle yesterday, which was great since when she last saw Autumn, none of us were allowed to hold her. Super cute & cuddly Gramma time is always welcome. 

Teddy and I are looking fabulous in our jammies. :)
Gramma came bearing gifts, of course...In particular, we need to give honourable mention to Great-Nana Stella's beautiful quilt. Can you see the baby? haha!

Today was also a big day! Autumn had her first out-of-hospital appointment with Dr. Hadad. She took the bus! I, of course, was a little nervous about gross smelly transit patrons, but we survived. Squirrel actually slept the entire way there and the entire way home. She woke up only to be weighed and have her stinky little bum changed. 

Autumn now weighs 5lbs, 13oz!! Dr. Hadad says we're doing good. Squirrel is such a trooper.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

She's home!!

It's been 17 days since the squirrel was born...Today is Spring Equinox and we brought our Autumn home.

This has been the longest 17 days of my life. Teddy and I are both so happy to have her home. It should be noted that she did not wake up from the time we strapped her into her car seat until about an hour after we got home...She's been here now for almost 6  hours and she hasn't cried. I feel like a million pounds has been lifted off my shoulders, this has been a really great day. Let the adventure begin!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Nana love.

Autumn met her Nana today for the first time. Nana arrived early this morning from Toronto with a 40lb suitcase full of cute little dresses and other fun things for baby squirrel. She is so spoiled!!