Everything is going great. Autumn has been home now for over a week and it's difficult to remember what life was like around these parts before she came along. Little squirrel had her second appointment with Dr. Hadad today and she now weighs in at a whopping 6lbs...Still smaller than most full term babes, but she was down to 4 and change for a little while there so 6lbs is a good weight for our tiny squirrel. We are proud.
Autumn had a lovely visit with Auntie Sass this weekend. I swear, my sister is amazing. She bussed in from Calgary--a 14 hour trip--and spent the weekend cooking a baking for Teddy and I. She's awesome. Squirrel's aunties really go the distance for her. We're lucky <3 Next up is Auntie Em next week and then Auntie Becca at the end of May.
Speaking of Aunties...We missed Great-Auntie Marn's birthday a couple of days ago, so we wanted to wish her a happy birth week! (Sorry we are a coupla days behind schedule!!)
Anyhew, here is what the last week or so has looked like:
Baby Squirrel in her favourite seat. |
Mama made Squirrel a cute little headband <3 |
...And a blankie :) |
YAY! Auntie Sarah <3 |
Her favourite part of bathtime is having her hair washed. |
This is where she starts to get angry...I have to work fast. |
Happy Squirrel is dry and warm again. |
Nurse Elliott is always watching. |
Auntie Emily bought these sweet kicks for the Squirrel. |
Beautiful baby Emery <3 |
New pals! |
Autumn had her first baby date with little miss Emery who was 34 weeks preemie as well and is now 9 months old. It was great to talk to Em's mama Shannon about the nicu and her experiences and to see beautiful, healthy, happy baby Emery giggling and squealing away. Early babies can thrive too! It was a feel-good visit. AND Autumn got a tutu! Thanks, Shan!! xxoo
Autumn is about to go back down for a nap and Elliott needs some QT and a cuddle. Til next time! Ta-ta!
Thanks for the belated b-day wishes Meg...it's understandable, you've got a lot keeping you busy these days. Nice to see so many new pics this post...looks like you had a great time with Sarah. Love youxo