Adventures of a tiny Squirrel and her friends...

This is our life.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Sunny Days in the Great Outdoors :)

It has been absolutely amazing out over the last few days, so we've been trying to soak up as much of the great outdoors as possible. We had a visit from my dear friend, January last week. She lives in Dubai and it feels like a million years since we last saw one another. It was great to have her in Vancouver for a couple of days so that she could get to know Squirrel and so that we could catch up. While she was here, we hooked up with Karina and Tanis and Ryker and Memphis for a picnic at Trout Lake. So fun...

Lovely January

Karina, master baby juggler ;)

Ryker and mama dancing

Squirrel and I also met up with the lovely Shendah and baby Ronin...Ronin was Autumn's neighbour in the NICU at BC Children's Hospital. He occupied the incubator next to her. He was 6 weeks early and is doing awesome. He has a lovely mama and I'm really happy to still be in touch with her. They don't know it yet, but Autumn and Ronin will get married one day ;)

Reunited and it feels so good!
Yesterday was too beautiful to waste so we packed up the beast and hit the beach. Autumn looked super cute in her little bandana and Elliott had a blast splashing around in the water with her pal, Tico.

Laughing Squirrel

Daddy & the fur babies
Things are great, I love my little family and our little life together.
Here are a few extra pictures:
Daddy & Autumn at Daddy's Day Brunch

Emily visits from Montreal
Handsome Daddy & baby <3

Ronin gave the squirrel some fun flash cards. She loves to look at them.
We had another lovely day at the park today. Hopefully Teddy will have the pictures ready for me to post soon. xxoo

Monday, 20 June 2011

Just cause it's so cute

My baby sister is really great with Squish. She will one day make an excellent mama but for now is a super fabulous auntie. This picture isn't the greatest quality, but it's too cute not to post.
Happy nudie patootie snuggles with her auntie <3

Sunday, 19 June 2011

A Daddy's Day Tribute

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Happy Father's Day, Grandpa!

Happy Father's Day, Papa!

a picture update

I know I'm due for a picture update, so here are a few recent shots :)

With Grandma Debbie in Victoria

With her lovely aunties, Kristi, Melissa & Rebecca

Smooth Family Photo Shoot

Daddy & Squish at Italian Day on Commercial Drive 
Saying goodbye to Auntie Melissa 
Auntie Mel & Uncle Stafford

3 months old with Pooh Bear <3
Baby Squish with Nana & Papa Meade <3

<3 <3 <3

Mama/Baby cuddle time

Visiting Karen & Molly at the pub

Cuddling with Claire and her soon-to-be little pal (Claire is due in the fall!!)

Baby Squirrel and Great-Uncle Rob

Mad face takes on the role of Squirrel's nurse in Ontario

Uncle Rob & Auntie Esme

Getting some love from Auntie Es and Amy


Great-Nana & Great-Papa Hurst <3

She smiles!!!

Uncle Shahn

Wearing her cute new sweater from Nana