We just finished a fabulous week of visiting. Rebecca and Brian flew in from Michigan and Melissa and Stafford came from San Fran. We all headed over to the island for some qt with the rest of the Kellogg clan (Debbie, Michael and Kristi). Mama ate all of her meals with two hands...oh, the little things that thrill me :)
Grandma Debbie hosted a lovely shower for Squirrel and I and baby got lots of snuggles in with her Aunties, Grandma, Grampa, Great Grandparents and Great Aunt & Uncle. It was lovely and sunny and super relaxing. Squirrel even slept two nights straight through. Little champ ;) Debbie and Michael have a lovely sun deck and Teddy had to peel me off of a recliner out there to load me into the car and off to the ferry.
Now we are home and it's just us again. The quiet is kinda nice but we wish that everyone lived closer so our visits wouldn't have such huge gaps in between.
Yesterday, before Melissa and Stafford left, we hit up the drive for Italian Day. Holy delicious meatball sammies, batman! What a sweaty, sunny gongshow! Commercial Drive was packed to the gills with people and yummy treats. We feasted on fresh canolli, bbq'd chicken, watermelon, meatballs and lemonade and finished our day off with a stop-off at Regan's for one of her famous caesars on our way home. It's hard not to miss living on the drive after a day like that. Sigh.
Tomorrow, Autumn has her two month shots. I booked them a little late so she'd be a bit stronger incase of any reaction. Also to buy myself some extra time to hum and haw over whether to vaccinate her traditionally or holistically. IT'S SO HARD!! Anyway, we opted to go with trad. vaccines after lots of reading, discussing and talking to other parents. We decided that traditional immunizations are best for us since we hope to travel lots with the little woman. Wish us luck. We are hoping for an issue-free shot session as we hope to hit up t-dot for some more family time.
furry nurse checks in with bebs |
sporting her adorable knitted skirt from auntie marnie <3 |
having a cuddle with great-nana stella |
getting some love from great-grampa fred |
great-auntie darlene and great-uncle rick |
squirrel gets gussied up for her party |
mama gets some sun while squirrel parties with her friends under the umbrella |
baby and her pals |
daddy and squirrel at italian day |
lalalala love these two. <3 <3 |
I have some more pictures and I'll post them once I have my camera charged. Also, stay tuned for Auntie Rebecca's amazing shots. We will get those up as soon as they're ready.
Lots of summer love.
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