Adventures of a tiny Squirrel and her friends...

This is our life.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Yesterday, Tampa Kellogg lost his battle with polymyositis and congestive heart failure. Our family is devastated and missing him desperately. He was a kind, gentle and loving man who always had an ear for a loved one and solid advice for anyone who needed it. Teddy thought it would be nice to write a little tribute to him since he loved our little blog so much, so here's it goes:

Dear Michael--

A few words of appreciation for all that you were to us. Thank you for inviting me, with open arms, into your family. Thank you for being a wonderful listener and advice-giver. Thank you for always answering my silly emails and settling random debates between Nathan and I. Thank you for almost making me understand football. Thank you for the amazing meals that you prepared for us--the love that you put into your cooking was always evident in the results. I will miss those chicken wings! Thank you for being such a loving Tampa to our Autumn. I know how it frustrated you that you couldn't always keep up with her energy, I hope you know how much it means to us that you tried anyway. I promise that we will teach her about her heritage, thank you for teaching us. Thank you for making me feel confident about my writing. Honestly, I think this blog would be mostly photographs if it weren't for you. Thank you for teaching Nathan how to be a good partner. He is loving and kind and I know that he learned these things from you and Debbie. Most of all, thank you for being the intelligent, kind, spiritual and loving person that you were and thank you for the legacy that you have left us. Rest in peace.

Love you.


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