Adventures of a tiny Squirrel and her friends...

This is our life.

Monday, 11 June 2012


Hey Y'all!

I know it's been forever since I have blogged but there have been many changes going down in our world including our upstairs neighbours (with whom we shared internet) moving so we haven't been online and it's pretty tough to blog from my iphone...Y'know...Anyway, I've also been back at work full-time which has significantly minimized my free-time. BUSY DAYS! It's been crazy and tough but we're all transitioning well and Autumn and Daddy are really enjoying their QT. It's been okay, overall though I miss my little girl so much!!!

Though it's likely all in my head, she seems like she's growing up extra fast these days. I came home after my second full day back at work and Squish was full-on WALKING! She took her first steps several weeks ago but she is fully motoring now and I can't help but feel like I'm missing so much being away from her for 40+ hours per week. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not the first woman who has ever returned to work after having a baby.

My training for returning to work was in Calgary, so Squish, Teddy and I spent four days hanging out in Cowtown with Auntie Sass and Uncle D. Excellent times. It's so lovely to spend time with them, I wish they were still in Chilliwack. Having a baby really makes you realize how important family is. Sappy sap.

We also recently celebrated Great-Grandpa Fred's 87th birthday in Victoria and had a chance to spend some time with Auntie Kristi, Uncle Jeff, Uncle Rick, Auntie Dar, cousin Scott, Grandma and Grandpa Kellogg and Nana Stella. Autumn is so lucky to have such a big and amazing family. This was an extra special visit since we sadly lost Grandpa Fred yesterday evening around 6pm. We feel so grateful to have had an opportunity to say goodbye to him. He was a wonderful man who loved and cherished his family immensely. We will miss him very much. Thanks for all the laughs, love and the wisdom, Grandpa!

I promise that there will be a photo update soon. For now, here are a few recent ones.

walking like an old pro!

wrong way, squish!

yep, still bald.

silly hat, no pants lego party!

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