Adventures of a tiny Squirrel and her friends...

This is our life.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


The breaks between posts are getting a little long, I know. I'm sorry! It's tough to post without an internet signal at home especially now that I'm a full-time working mama...It seems like free-time is especially hard to come by these days as well so sneaking away to a coffee shop to blog is not really an option. Anyway, I'm not complaining...This is just my new reality. We are currently in our fourth week with me back at work for 40+ hours per week and Teddy and Autumn are soldiering on without me at home from 5am-5pm Tuesday through Friday. It's been pretty hard for me to leave my little family at home for such long days but Teddy is so good with Squish and is a wonderful house-hubby so I feel confident that my baby is being well cared for and hugged and cuddled lots and lots. I always come home to a yummy dinner and find the two of them reading or playing or having a picnic in the back yard. Autumn is a big-time Daddy's girl and I'm pleased that they're getting to share some QT despite being super jealous that they're having way more fun than I am.

We are off to Victoria for the weekend and hoping to find a little car while we're there because we're MOVING TO TORONTO in August and we need a vehicle to adventure across the country in. If you're a Toronto friend, we are looking for a sweet two bedroom, dog-friendly suite in the Roncesvalles/Parkdale area. We'd be happy in High Park as well. If you hear of anything coming available in September, shoot me a line :) THANKS!

We're looking forward to some Grandma/Grandpa Kellogg time this weekend and hoping for some good luck in the vehicle-shopping department. No photos this post, but soon, I PROMISE! Hope everyone is doing great!

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