Adventures of a tiny Squirrel and her friends...

This is our life.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


The sun has finally decided to come out and Vancouver has been a lovely place to be for the last week or so.  Squish and I just ventured up Vancouver Island to Royston, BC where my best pals have a cottage on the ocean. It is one of the best places on earth, I'm convinced. It was so fun to show Autumn the beach and collect shells and wild flowers with her. She is really becoming a little person and is just such a riot. She has added a few new words to her repertoire including: dog (gog) and birdie (buddy) and boat (butt). She spent much of our four days on the island pointing out the butts and buddies. Super cute. Here is a look at what we got up to...

Daddy wanted Autumn and I to document our roadtrip...So here's how it started :)

Mama got us to Horseshoe Bay in one piece!!

And we arrive at the beach...Someone is cranky that she has to wear her sun hat.

But soon gets distracted by the ocean and forgets that the hat is there...

Naked baby collecting shells.

I love her little bum.


Look! Butt!!!!

The cutest face that you ever did see.

Auntie Carole teaches Autumn about the critters that live under the water.

Auntie Min buys Autumn some cute boots to explore in.

Posing with Uncle Shahn.

And Hobbes, the gog.


This is Autumn checking out a bald eagle fishing on the water.

And baby Lara was there too!

Pretty mama and her new little girl

Autumn and Lara in the pool.

See? I'm fine without my hat on!

 Clearly, we had fun :)

Lots has happened since our last post and we expect the next few weeks leading up to our big move to be equally action-packed. As I said earlier, we bought a car last week and have been slowly packing things up and purging things so that we won't be super loaded down for our big cross-country trek. We are hoping to ship some of our belongings as well but mostly, we have found ourselves to be purging...We have already had one garage sale and are hoping to squeeze another one in over the next couple of weeks. We are nervous but mainly excited to start a new life in Toronto and are looking forward to a week-long drive/camping adventure to kick it all off. Wish us luck!!

Anyway, I'm out of time and the Squish is going to need dinner soon, so I will leave you with a few more pictures and sign off. Love!

Little family's first helicopter ride!! (to Victoria)

Autumn meets the beautiful Satsuki MacNaughton

These two are dads. Crazy!

Satsuki <3


Autumn tries on Great-Grandpa Fred's jacket

Hanging out with Grandpa and Grandma

This cat is normally so shy!

It was very strange to see her laying down for a pat from the squish

...and allowing Autumn to put a hat on her...

Ferrying back to Vancouver.

We brought Grandma with us.

Feeding herself!

Celebrating Canada Day in red.

Squeaky clean after a nice bath.

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